Monday, March 6, 2023

SHOWTIMES' March-April's Waco/Waco Aftermath

 SHOWTIMES' March-April's Waco/Waco Aftermath JobesSatan > 

Brother-Sistermen, Showtime is running tandem series this month and next, Waco-this month, Waco, Aftermath in April [w/a good cast-obtw, fyi]. Significance is those productions give a sympathetic view of the RW-protagonists, as the latest victims of Govt Whack-a-Mole repression versus any organized martially prepared question and resistance. Without using the tolerated, wink-n-nod to populist terrorist beyond the normal political terrorism to suppress marginal groups of the pre-70's, 'Nam, disillusioning the Beaver Cleaver Generation, especially returning GI's, changed things.

If not staying over seas as total, drop-out ex-Pats, those who came home were counter-cultural drop-outs, nonverbal dissidents-Homeless, Substance addictives, cultural contrarians. Ruby Ridge

to Waco was the spectrum vanguard who no longer desired the conventions of the general American Dream that was typified by the Cleavers and the Nelsons..

Concurrent with Ruby Ridge/Waco was the combined political parties turning to neo-liberal-globalist policies than not only undercut the economic stability of the 'Middle-Class' wages' and quality of life, but was the prologue to the '07-'08 financial cratering by Banks given a free reign, sacrificing the patriotic masses who went off to the latest flag-waving inspired military adventure.

Obama was MORE than the 'elites' latest tool, but a distracting signaling that other ethnic groups were going to-the-head-of-the-line ahead of those who had trustingly bought the narrative that the Shining-City-on-the-Hill was their inheritance. In fact, Middle-Class America found itself cannibalized and cheaply commodified as other marginal groups had been for decades before and still in psychological ghettoes-of-despair and resentment.

What happens that waking up from the dream-of-Oz and being back-in-Kansas is being no better off than a manipulated captive of charlatans/liars in the US version of the Uighurs in Xingjian Province in the CCP-whether what end of the political circumference you exist?

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