Thursday, August 12, 2021

A consequence of self-serving, non-empathy of ethical action for the sake of environmental equity and justice


In a new international climate assessment published Aug. 9, 2021, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warns that the water cycle has been intensifying and will continue to intensify as the planet warms.

The report, which I worked on as a lead author, documents an increase in both wet extremes, including more intense rainfall over most regions, and dry extremes, including drying in the Mediterranean, southwestern Australia, southwestern South America, South Africa and western North America. It also shows that both wet and dry extremes will continue to increase with future warming.


Instead of 'financial literacy', there needs to be a higher consciousness of 'ethical literacy'. With ethical literacy an awareness of the intangible, subliminal, and anecdotal hints and clues the seemingly sentient physics of this biosphere is transmitting to our conscious senses. It's giving testament to the ever-upper-spiraling acceleration of cataclysms that will occur until the tangible sources that feed that upward spiral are minimized to the point of near nullification and obliteration.

Yes. If it takes the destruction of the structures of civilization and the enabling entities and creatures, the physics will do their predictable course of algorithmic,  'natural' design to establish that result.        

It wouldn't have to be this way if human ethics weren't so oriented to the trappings of having or the perceived deprivation of not-having the false species myth-based narratives of self-serving entitlement that is the common thread in all industrialized nations-races-ethnic groups and individuals.

All that would be needed is both the physic based, rhetorical maxim of 'Doing-absolutely universally-unto others [all entities], as you'd have done to you. This is NOT an exclusive social maxim, but a symbiotic-at the least-maxim of the physics of cooperation or destruction. This civilization has chosen the latter destructive course of selfish anti-symbiotic and is paying the figurative price and the material costs it refused to pay to prevent or ameliorate these consequences.


Becoming the Mersaults of Albert Camus' 'L'Etranger'