Saturday, December 8, 2018

Inevitable mutual exclusivity between materialistic body and mind

Inevitable mutual exclusivity between materialistic body and mind

Globalism is the logical consolidating singularity of factors 
for a mechanically more efficient and elegant form. But 
organic existence, bounded as it is, has inherent limitations 
to hypothetical logic of more amorphous versatility . Yet the 
organic form IS the presumed vehicle for our mortal , carnal 
existence.There are limits to the organic forum's ability to 
accommodate itself to the abstractions of the freer to initiate 

Culture is the inertial gravitation of organic, human beings 
to the comfortable and conveniently expedient efficiencies 
for their carnally organic benefit. As such it will, as expected 
be resistant to change not compatible to its organic structure 
and operational functioning. Globalism, an abstraction is 
that threat to those bodies of culture that are detached to 
tenuously connected to the dynamics of the constructs of the 
abstraction, "globalism".

Globalism as it is presently manifested, neglects consideration 
of its organic limitations. Globalism as the presumed avatar 
of ultimate human singularity is a misfit to the limitations of 
organic culture, since it is not coordinated with the most 
inertial qualities of organic carnality. Could it be possible 
that organic culture-the cohesive tendons of biological 
existence-is just a caste-stage, from which another stage, 
i.e., globalist materiality is to evolve as the singularly 
predominant advanced form, or was there something 
in the visceral physiology neglected because of its lack 
of general convenient accessibility by the many; but 
which would have made the abstractions of the mind more 
cohesive with the functioning of the organic constructs 
of carnality?

In either case, carnal culture was not meant to be the 
end-all paradigm for human existence. The carnally 
based mind was the next gestational stage of conscious, 
autonomous development. After that there could be 
something else for we to aspire. Granting the body's 
highly developed skills in logistical acquisition and 
management, would that also imply that it is a base camp 
from which we may venture? But as we have historically 
adapted, this "base camp" has become the circumspective, 
existential limits for our carnal potential.

As such, humans have established 'neighborhoods' of 
habituated cultures of both traditional and operational
identities. Basically geographical in their constitutive 
structure, these neighborhoods have habituated themselves 
to aspirations based on the expectations of past social order 
convenience. Like any other organic form, these cultural 
neighborhoods will resist alien and non-congruent insertions 
into their body system's functioning-an atavistic 
'Tower of Babel' obstruction to such intrusive impositions.

This is manifested in the world-wide militant movements 
in all regions of the world. From Somalia and Nigeria, 
to the Middle East, migrating to precipitate the protest in Europe, 
the Americas on both the Left and the Right, plus as well 
in insurgent and repressed ethnic groups in South Asia, 
China, and the Pacific islands. Whether you disagree or agree 
with the agendas of the different anti-establishment factions, 
there existence reveals a viscerally based reaction to 
the abstraction, Globalism.

I would suggest that we have arrived in a transitional stage 
from capitalism, which is ever more reliant on non-socially, 
algorithmic abstractions that have neglected to have dismissed 
the humanistic primacy of the environment in which they seek
to insert themselves.

The humanistic environment has inertially bonded itself to 
forms that have marginal access to the dynamics of its own 
human mobility, both kinetically and mentally. As those kinetic 
and mental movements have been associated with the 
anachronistic forms of the humanistic culture's acquisition 
and control, the required kinetic and mental movement for access 
to the tools developed in those dynamics have excluded those 
incapable or unwilling to do either a kinetic or mental adaptation 
for access to those tools.

Thus, a de facto social caste system, whose effects run counter to 
the native egalitarian empathy of fairness and equity, is identified 
as an oppressive threat, justifiably, to those adversely affected 
by the abstractive system engendered by the transcultural kinetics 
and mentality of advanced human mobility.

I believe that there is a mutual exclusivity at which we have 
arrived. But the 'synthesis' from the contending thesis-antithesis 
will be derived from the failure of both contending theses to 
address their own structural shortcomings. The synthesis, I project, 
will be the cohesion of mind and body. That cohesiveness will 
be the body being the base camp for the mind's excursions and 
explorations for intangible resources which provide new and 
better ways from symbiotic and synergistic collaboration with 
the entire holistic environment. This will necessitate a 
minimalistic attitude on the meaning and use of acquisition 
and control. When tangible and superficial trappings are no 
longer the means to an ends of existence, but the functional 
tools of temporary shared stewardship for incidental and 
inspired conscious activity then the emotional needs of 
the present humanistic culture xenophobia and nativism 
aggrandizement will be a moot, minimalized phenomena 
of daily needs.

=====Editor’s note=====
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Friday, November 23, 2018

Tree pruning at 203 E HOWARD ST

Tree pruning at

hampton roads tree cutters

Here is the tree before any of the significant cuts

Here are the tree’s shadow imprints on the roof of the house
Here is the shadow after the cuts

Contractors who did the work
Hampton Roads Roofing 757-218-5325

Monday, November 5, 2018

Recurring ethos over time and through generations

Recurring ethos over time 

and through generations..    

This country, the USA, has at least two significant ethos of a bi-polarity.
One was to have a place where one could live in a community of peace 
as refugees from the repressions and the oppressions of their homeland.. 
The other is one of an opportunistic grab for the possible wealth of
resources so they can have the same status and similar titles of those 
with such dominions of their former homelands.. It echoes through the 
years and generations as it comes to its political reckoning in this period 
of 'the chickens coming home to roosts' to their lairs, aka “nests’.

As it being more 'past-the-tipping-point' stage, as is the coming climate 
calamity, as a consequence of seeking to the control of things and others 
for one's de facto imperial ends for narrow and self-serving rationales.. 
The social Darwinist attitude has been the justification of the 'haves', 
as it defines their means.

Humanity has been one characterized by the tangible utility of power. 
Best narrated by the words of Pontius Pilate, "What is "Truth"?". 
Which speaks of his truth of the reality he and those like him exists. 
THAT is a valid objective subjectivity, which provides the argument 
for the ethos of those, their enablers, apologists, and subservients of
different levels, whom I described as opportunistic and also as 
enablers of the ends IS the justification and the ontology of those means 
through those combined energies. Within that framework, I accept 
that rationale.

I also have come to the thoughts that the means is also the conditioner of 
the actors, plus the consequences of what those actors have done to their 
social and ecological structure to its near-or-at tipping point is its own 
truth which cannot be totally denied but acknowledged as their mea culpa.

As for the latter group, I would not bestow on them any total virtue in 
their motivations of their means, since they have their own residual ethos 
of some material utopianism on Earth. But I would state that there is an 
underlying theme that the ends is NOT their self-justification. 

It, the means, ondition is the 'tell' of any means. 'Justifications' being an 
open-ended ambiguity of a commonweal of  whatever is their 
ever-transitional state of being. What it is to their relative relationship to 
control and power is-in another realm-irrelevant, qualitatively when the 
karma of "the chickens coming home to roost [on the nests]” of 
their making.

This is an objective reality, where I find that I refer to an intangible, 
karmic ethos's that are algorithms of a mentality, which are headed for 
either a political, short-term reckoning or an existential, karmic, 
long-term one. Also, in being a reincarnationist, I'm presuming that the 
means of what we do incarnate by the means of our rationalizations of 
our acts and relative to-the-ends or the ends-to-means will say more about 
what was and is justifiable, than any self-serving recitation on anthropology 
or zoology.
"But if you don't know you're lying, not even to yourself, then you can exist 
within it until your very perception is altered. You can post-rationalize after, 
and in that way, you can persist within that world without ever having to admit 
or accept you have betrayed yourself. Delusion is not enlightenment. It's 
blinding  light."

And it exist subconsciously (or is it "non-consciously"?) on separate exclusionary 
tracts of insulated (and of algorithmic determinative functions) unbeknownst to 
the actors, other than their short-term and myopic purposes.. Historically, in our 
contemporaneous moralizations-it's called a delusion. In the broader picture, it 
could be a Yin/Yang of flux, as mass consciousnesses moves between the polarities 
by the needs, conditions, and circumstances of each generation..

As new frontiers get more sparse, the ethos of daring, ‘by-your-own-rules’ are 
supplanted by the regulations of the (institutionally-organized) 'Lobster basket'. 
Freedom becomes a practical relative in function, which is chafing for those 
who seek its absolute conditions.. It is THERE where the communalist utopia 
and the opportunist utopia have their contentious friction.

What I'm also stating is that there is a mutual exclusivity for both in their 
utopian end-game. Only the existence of the hybrid of each "wanting their 
cake and eating it" does there seem to be this dystopian apocalypse on the 
horizon. Those seeking material or quantifiable justifications would seem to 
have unending frustrations of existing in a heterogeneous heterodoxy of 
competing materially f the more intangible and qualitative relativeness, 
NOT based on the material or the quantifiable, will find their succor 
in aesthetics of mind.. For both, it becomes the juxtapositional fable of 
'the lumberjacks and the forests' -each existing for their own subjective ends, 
as far as the limits for each will allow for its maintenance and sustenance.

In this present heterodoxy of hybrid, conflicting aspirations, the "trauma of the 
contentiousness" over valued tangible "resources" is part of the social evolution 
of the mass consciousness of WHAT 'to have' or 'to have not' for the good of the 
so-called hybrid whole..

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Monday, July 23, 2018

‘Daddy Bucks’ and the paternalistic fascination
for Him by his Black folk
Video link!AiwJmMlVraiqgT_P3PIN

White folk have a similar fascination, but it has a more 
profound consequence with Black folk. It’s the perception 
that “With riches things would be so much better..”.  
I disagree and think that money isn’t going to fill the void 
of a developed psychological insecurity about one’s worth 
as a Black human being in Amerikkka, per se.
Money with its trappings and conveniences will not cure the 
pathologies that have developed with the obsession for it, as 
is often heard:
“If I only had some money..”. What people are willing to do 
or be given that negates any dignity or integrity for the 
virtues of inner creativity and resilience to be the source for 
their own prosperity are exhibited in the solicitations and 
shameless testimonies for the willing debasement of 
themselves for what they would consider the practical means 
for a “necessary” ends.
In doing so doing, they not only degrade their own worth as 
humans, but at the same time they enable the further 
neglect of those faculties that would provide them the 
self-constructed means for doing and knowing how to accomplish 
those aspirational ends. As was noted ..
Frederick Douglass  and as declared a century earlier by 
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Let it be said, that the disparities of comfort and convenience 
when being in slavery and then the deprivational terrors of 
de jure, segregation in the South  
made any comfort or convenience a luxury to cherish. That 
sentiment has carried over as the relative disparity  in the 
standard of living between the working class of few privileges 
to those of greater privileges from the exploitative, 
discriminatory institutions that favored the privileged few has 
given cogency to the notion of “by any means and for whatever 

The opportunity cost for the price of such a conscious neglect 
and dismissiveness for the utilization of the gifts of the inner 
faculties reverberates through time 
as the invisible curse of the soul upon the inhabitant of the 
body who have let go to waste what could have been a long 
term benefit for the short-term expedience of forsaking the 
experience of development of self for the reliance upon transient 
outside factors delivering the illusions from a lack of effort.

Monday, January 8, 2018

The Economy, Stupid!

I was channel surfing my cable guide for Sunday evening, and I saw a C-span program about 'what would Alexander Hamilton do about the national debt'. It interested me enough to DVR it, by doing so I became aware of an Economist Robert E Wright, who's Chair of the Econ. Dept at Augustana University in S. Dakota. His views on macro-economics and the budget I think would be good fodder for this forum to rhetorically chew on. His prognosis he had for the economy was based on the status of the 'Yield Curve', with the near future (coming 12 months) being a slight up-tick, but nothing to get excited about for good or bad news, pending how the Yield Curve develops, as a result of the effects of the new GOP tax law.
OBTW, spoiler: He has arguments for ending social security, at the same time being against the Citizen's United ruling/