Tuesday, April 23, 2024


Mainly, because such qualities are not similar, beyond the focused energy that has different forms,mechanistic versus contemplative, and ends, tangible versus intangible. The composite motivating values of immediate gratification for the mechanistic and tangible versus the gratification for 'doing-the-effort-for its-own-satisfaction' are divergent intentions of consumption for the former and discovery for the latter.

While the mechanistic-tangible gratification needs the material trappings for its justification, the contemplative-intangible has perceived that Time provides the long-term equity of justification that can be stoically accepted-another contrast. So contrasting, since those of mechanistic and tangible gratification are primarily self-oriented and centered, which differs from the contemplative and intangible satisfaction of people who see themselves as a component part of an enveloping network of continuity of which they are the consequential legacy of the phenomena of progenitor functions. 

Being the default offspring heirs of a logical historical algorithm, their mechanics of kinetics is establishing the means for the prospective production than being the narrowed and focused, selective beneficiaries of a phenomenal opportunity. Holistic and wave-like is the identity of the intangibly contemplative, rather than granular and exceptionally privileged for a prerogative attitude for the tangibly mechanistic.

As the 'contemplative' eschews the rewards and trappings of mechanistic consumption their "egoism" is more an inherent counter-narrative contrast with the consumptive kineticist of material mechanisms in contentious comparisons. That 'egoism' is an estrangement and an alienating of themselves from the matrix of emotional dramas that are taken as rites-of-passage by the kinetically material mechanistic. It IS a cultural milieu of personality fault-lines with different personal and historical consequences.

I would assert that the present historical circumstances and pathologies are from the egoism of kinetic, tangible, mechanics for consumption, derived from the psychological detachment of human civilization from the feral natural order for the sake of the conveniences of comfort. In the course of cultural evolution it was an understandable concept to have and seek more stable security for themselves. 

That intention was taken to an extreme ethos of negating and annihilating any competition and threats to that 'more stable security'. By doing so the inevitable present dystopian conditions of ubiquitous 'absolute security' that accepts the detriment of others as a tolerable result for having a 'more stable security', micro-socially or macro-politically has emerged.

Contrasting to this, the threads of thought for contemplative intangibles has reached the formation of the way our existence is MORE THAN in this present dimension, plus how other dimensions can do intervention al visitation into our carnal conscious dimension. 

In short, we are a point on a wave that is a spherical reception for innumerable portals of conscious, unconscious, and subconscious data. This makes us the proverbial die that Einstein argued against in his maxim, 'God does not throw die in ordering the universe!'. In fact, we have the capability of reordering what is manifested and what can be manifested 'on Earth, as in the Heavens of our conceptualization..'.

Video version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CIWoA5G3q1g

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

PROPERTY ASSESSMENTS: Municipal complicity in Gentrification



When you take the Devil's Advocacy for municipalities, you could say with the implosion of brick-n-mortar non-essential, discretionary income businesses, where would you look?

To people who have the incomes so they do not have to worry about any measly expenses such as taxes and fees. And when you're in a region or local area of scenic possibilities, who would you want? Those with the disposable incomes to afford any expense or treat the expense as a write off deduction or a minor consideration? Or would you want those whose ownership of the land would have not only a near static rare change in the value of the city property roles, as well as NOT being in a position for any dynamic change in property values??

If you chose the former, you are cynically correct and astute to why developments in former single-home residential areas that will be filled with the well-heeled and funded is the preferred. If you're even more cynical, you will understand why your property values increase exponentially from year to year.

The 'Old Town' wants a stable source of revenue. Why not let the well heeled have access and ownership to properties that will better guarantee that on a long-term basis? Or would you cater to the wage workers or retirees with limited resources, who couldn't tolerate or pay for the expenses the city treasurer needs to pay for the services they choose to provide?

Luke Merlin

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Hiking and your health


Hope things are well. In fact, it's the components of your health I would like to get your take on it.

Your daily hiking has been an important factor, but in what ways has it been that factor? Is it the length of time each day that has had its accumulative effects. Have those effects have been more physiologically based from the dual effects of dietary support for the hiking, than muscularly/physically based? If physiological, has it been because the body has biochemically adapted to the daily extended hiking stress regimen on your body differently than if you did heavy, intense work-outs in a gym?

Monday, March 6, 2023

SHOWTIMES' March-April's Waco/Waco Aftermath

 SHOWTIMES' March-April's Waco/Waco Aftermath JobesSatan > 

Brother-Sistermen, Showtime is running tandem series this month and next, Waco-this month, Waco, Aftermath in April [w/a good cast-obtw, fyi]. Significance is those productions give a sympathetic view of the RW-protagonists, as the latest victims of Govt Whack-a-Mole repression versus any organized martially prepared question and resistance. Without using the tolerated, wink-n-nod to populist terrorist beyond the normal political terrorism to suppress marginal groups of the pre-70's, 'Nam, disillusioning the Beaver Cleaver Generation, especially returning GI's, changed things.

If not staying over seas as total, drop-out ex-Pats, those who came home were counter-cultural drop-outs, nonverbal dissidents-Homeless, Substance addictives, cultural contrarians. Ruby Ridge

to Waco was the spectrum vanguard who no longer desired the conventions of the general American Dream that was typified by the Cleavers and the Nelsons..

Concurrent with Ruby Ridge/Waco was the combined political parties turning to neo-liberal-globalist policies than not only undercut the economic stability of the 'Middle-Class' wages' and quality of life, but was the prologue to the '07-'08 financial cratering by Banks given a free reign, sacrificing the patriotic masses who went off to the latest flag-waving inspired military adventure.

Obama was MORE than the 'elites' latest tool, but a distracting signaling that other ethnic groups were going to-the-head-of-the-line ahead of those who had trustingly bought the narrative that the Shining-City-on-the-Hill was their inheritance. In fact, Middle-Class America found itself cannibalized and cheaply commodified as other marginal groups had been for decades before and still in psychological ghettoes-of-despair and resentment.

What happens that waking up from the dream-of-Oz and being back-in-Kansas is being no better off than a manipulated captive of charlatans/liars in the US version of the Uighurs in Xingjian Province in the CCP-whether what end of the political circumference you exist?


Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The inhumanity of these times in this country


There are more sociopaths-those who have a venal motive-than psychopaths-those that are randomly wanton about their subjects for abuse.

Many to most will do their sociopathic behavior within the veil of some authorizing authority. This permeates through the culture, from the informal or formal micro-personal engagements to the public display that we hear about or bear witness to.

And its world-wide, precipitating escapes for refuge, whether it be some abstract aesthetic sense of security to a physical shelter from impending or immanent danger. Though we could triage the different relative levels of refuge being sought, it is safe to say that one's psychological state precludes any rational, parsing by a 3rd party. 

Nothing changes until the forms of energy in which yo use changes its forms.

And so I speak of this

Friday, November 4, 2022

Have we reached the frontiers of the apocalyptic?



Have we reached the frontiers of the apocalyptic?

Not even making the connection of criminality just being another expression of feral     nature's estrangement from the 'civil order'. 

Sociology Theories of Deviance PowerPoint, Cloze Notes, and Exit Ticket

The extreme manifestations seen are the sets of data having reached their centrifugal       escape point from any tenuousness of attraction or compelled bonding in any         gravitational cohesion. The cohesive forces for symbiosis or synergy are absent and           have been replaced by exclusivities of prejudgement which have been the genesis                   of the fragmentation that has spun into this centrifugal escape melee of dynamics.

This "apocalyptic" scenario is a liberational jail break for those who have sensed a      repressive confinement on their and theirs' livelihoods of unrestrained thought, if not expression. 

The worm-holes of emotional escape have opened into conceptual dimensional vistas        more nurturingly akin to their essential vitality of an enjoyable existence of being.                It's not some anarchic wilderness, but a soul-sacred sanctuary for what was here-to-fore            a troublesome and wearisome existence.

Sacred Sanctuary | Facebook

What is perceived by the aghast of the status quo as an anarchic lawless frontier  are             the equivalent of green pastures of an 'Elysian Fields', secular nirvana They are no           longer of some subordinate status but have access to a dimensional realm which makes        the incidental drama of this dimension as tangential-to-trivial to what is cognizant to          their comprehension and understanding in the sublimer aspects of their discovered         'secular nirvana'.

The 'frontiers of the apocalyptic' are more than the Jeremiah Dooms-Day's advent,                   it is the figurative and literal rite-of-renaissance of the budding of a new season                    -of-thinking' and action. 

That phenomena is breaking out like pustules on the topography of the diseased civilization infected with the disdainful and estranged dissent and disaffection from an inequitable      order of intellectual and emotional tangible and virtual restraints.

The apocalyptic is the ultimate 'revelation' of caste consciousness. The most sublime of   which will not be known by the many who persist to dwell in the ignorance of their   provincial domains of activity and thought. Those who've transcended the trappings of materiality will better navigate through the time's turbulence, mostly unaffected by the aesthetics that have the many in fevered over-compensating fetishes of indulgences that        abuse on others or themselves. For them the 'Apocalypse' will be akin to the narrative            of Dante Alighieri's 'Dante's Inferno'. His book may have been an under-appreciated prophecy of      thing as true today as they were then.

The 'transcendent' will exist in a series of rabbit holes-worm hole, adventure experiences as pilgrims transacting from the feasible and the serendipitous with people and situations that present facilitating opportunities of tangible and intangible, edifying knowledge. By and through these experiences the transcendent will be brought to a different juxtaposition of perspective of their own more latitudinal expanded options for their intellectual curiosity and emotional fermentation. Those latter developments will give greater affinity with the 'interventional dimension' of the rabbit-worm holes than with their former mental and emotional investment within the pedestrian, transactional mundanity channels and   their drama of mazes of social and cultural temporal proscriptions and illusions.

Lazy Games (@LazyGamesMTL) / Twitter

It will be a parallel reality subset of the pedestrian, spatial time dimension. In this parallel frontier the apocalyptic will be the non-affecting sound-n-fury noise of the mostly muted and distant background       of others dramas, not the experiences of  the transcendent. 'Being in the world, but not of the world'  would be an apt and apropos description similar to the verse of the 23rd Psalm of King David, 


The "thou" art the dialectic discipline acquired in appreciation of the facilitating, dimensional   intervention. 

Though the why and the how of the dimensional intervention, I can speak for myself, that it's more         on one's coincidental juxtapose of consciousness at a particular junction of space and time, than any   personal merit to be associated with you or that you have in some way accrued by consciously sought, didactic learning. It's the gratuity of the intervention being so serendipitous, that the retort to        Einstein's maxim of 'God doesn't play 'craps' with the Universe' is challenged.

John Ford quote: Not only does God play dice with the universe, He's...

From the anecdotalness of the phenomena, one faces the likely inference that 'wild cards' of      intervention show up to unmoor the subject from any set identifications with one's temporal spatial markers. 

Using Makefile Wildcards - Earthly Blog

That unmooring, if not precipitating a nihilistic fatalism, offers a liberational option of potentiality.      That potentiality has its  render-vous with a destiny of algorithmic aspects from a prologue incidental choices. Those prologues are chosen by probably no more than necessary expedience.  The acuity of expedience led to a predisposed frame of mind, which in retrospect would seem commissioned or predestined. More likely it's-in the positive vein-a felicitation of grace which affirms the previous knowledge prologues.

It's the response to 'a call' that is made from a respect for certain aesthetics as sensitivity with,     coherence to, logical threads of continuity of an organic system than a random advent. It's from              this kind of attitude that a meaningfulness beyond a thing's immediate utility for the ends of that   temporal moment begins to separate one into a transcendent caste. That caste, separate from the            herd of consensual and carnal conformity of convenience, allows for the flexibility and versatility            to react to "apocalyptic" conditions from another juxtapositional perspective of your own unique              parallel reality.

What does it mean that Christians are not of this world? | GotQuestions.org

In that parallel reality, our sensitivity to being intensely empathetic, radiates an aura that's noticed by  those also subtly attuned in similar ways. There's, at the least, a nodding recognition of each other's presence. A feasible portal moment for more proximal and involved engagements is added to the topography of one's cognitive field.


"Fault lines"= geologic points of separation <Forum_Crasher> 2022-11-05 05:56 PDT
In 3-dimensions those 'fault lines' in the exponential spin of time become more unmoored in the increasingly tenuous relationship. A similar degradational unmooring is occurring in direct proportional feedback in the geo-biosphere. The precipitated consequences aren't generally recognized until the conflating of the estranged demographic "plate" fragments have reached the acute dynamism being witnessed. The serendipitous status of the transcendent has given them the cognitive tools and the strategic and tactical means to exist in a separate pedestrian reality while 'being in the world but not emotionally or intellectually invested of the world'. In that capacity their "purpose" and focus is the elemental accumulated energy-of-transcending-escape in their rabbit-worm hole exploration of dimensions not obsessed with the trappings of tangible materialism.