Saturday, March 12, 2022

Jimmy '0' and Buddy '#35-21st Century'- SU's version of Hector and Achilles, respectively: Exploited goodness


Jimmy '0' and Buddy '#35-21st Century'- SU's version of Hector and Achilles, respectively: Exploited goodness



Hector (Jimmy '0') and Achilles (Buddy) loyalty and devotion to the team, fans, and their Coach/Father show the valiant service and love for those they associate, their comrades in the BB-battles and even those with whom they compete against vigorously. BUT at the same time, as one who's looked askance at those who've talked of their Confederate heritage and fore-bearers saying 'it's heritage not hate' that stirs the devotion of them to their fore-bearers and their fore-bearers service to the 'Lost Cause', I see the connection of Jimmy's and Buddy's devotion to the Team, SU, and Pops and those who fought in the 'Lost Cause' and their posterity who revered them.  

The system that's nurtured them to be those valiant athletic warriors, also used them as sympathetic icons for a system that insidiously exists for the "$$Ka-ching$$" of their marketing off them, which until this year provided no benefit for the stars on the court, let alone their brethren bench warmers. NCAA has plenty accomplices in the local and national media (except maybe NYC journalist who act like carrion tearing apart all the obvious and speculated flaws of their hometown losers, aka, Giants-Mets-Rangers).  

I'm digressing. With all the things that JB (old #35) has done with his sports platform which I've disagreed with: #1-tearing down his individual players while his 'Golden Boys' of what ever past or present years get a pass for their sub-par performance. #2. His condescending snarkiness to post-game reporters who have serious critiques than those with gotcha-question. He's maybe as much a willing pawn in the system, than me thinking of him as a cynical villain.  

And YOU NO-MATTER-WHAT fans! Before you use rhetoric about others apathy or being like 'Good Germans', when for your own ennui from your vacuous lives, You enable all this, because THIS set up IS your junkie-fix that without it, your spouse or your pet would would be in the newspaper of an abused victim of your frustrated with your life self. 

  In ways Hector (Jimmy '0') and Achilles ("35 21 Century) are the avatars of all that you aren't as personality characters. Bless them for being there, and pray that someone who's more culturally socio-pathic than you Fans living through these latter day Hectors and Achilles never has the opportunity and means to bring harm by word or deed against your latter-day Hector and Achilles,


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