'The fore-brain functions other than

'The fore-brain functions other than its daily navigation
through the contemporary hoops and hurdles'
As the 'manual control' for our conscious awareness of phenomena, the fore-brain's organizing ability allows it interpret the mid-brain signals it receives. The fore-brain, cognizant of our Pavlovian reactions to the different stimuli from the mid-brain, directs us to engage or avoid those stimuli as they serve our needs. Engaging the stimuli more creates triggers for which we can manually fabricate our mental conditions.
In those mental conditions we affect the physiological processes of our mind and body, which includes the signals the mid-brain transmits. The mid-brain's reactions to those fabricated stimuli from the fore-brain enables its production of hyper-signals for the fore-brain. The signals from the mid-brain to the fore-brain provides an enhanced projection capacity for the
fore-brain. That enhanced capacity of the fore-brain increases the dimensions of its potential, abstract navigation-its artistry.
All artistic forms and their derived productions originate from this ability. Those artistic forms allows the fore-brain to access the meta-forms of speculative abstraction. This access occurs because of increased neural intensity and agitation of its emotional acuity.
The emotional acuteness leap-frogs the bounds of lower-intensity, emotional perspectives for the new dimensions of and for the investigation and familiarity enhancement. That enhancement expands the cognitive context of the individual's identification with both its provincial and global milieu. The degree of increased relevance of the global milieu has a corresponding reduction of relevance with the less functional provincial aspects.
The dynamics of the corresponding relevance changes occurs as the subject sees their more integrally important role as a 'global' energy signal transmitter/receiver whose increased efficiency as that, indirectly, is symbiotically altruistic-mundanely, as it is a more direct signal conduit in the (cosmic) matrix network of aesthetics.
The portals of access by the many diverse entries of subject entities supply the matrix caste levels of consciousness with their signal energy in a cognitive multi-verse. That 'multi-verse' is what we casually assume as our dreams, our neurological nightly data-dump; when it is the subliminal signals from our over-stimulated mid-brain that are camouflaged by our mundane biases into these symbols and metaphors of visual allegories.
The consciousness of our brain's fore-brain is the
'cosmic' dimension-traveler to the tangible and intangible, the physical and the metaphysical dominions and principalities. Being that our leap-frogging, para-mundane consciousness takes us beyond the reptilian consciousness of fore-brain nuanced navigation to the fore-brain agitated mid-brain's hyper-stimulation feedback to the fore-brain for its excarnate travels into the supra-mundane
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