Saturday, May 30, 2020

'Daring to envision...'

    UPDATES - 5.29.2020

'Daring to envisioning these connections'
If one would dare to envision how the abuse and violence done to We Black people, in particular, to the parallel abuse and violence done to this planet's geosphere and biosphere; then equate the eruptions of disorder in cities with the eruptions of the climactic, biologic, and geologic order by the change they are wreaking upon human settlements: then you'll understand how this is a systemic cultural issue that is being manifested before or eyes. It is calling for not just a change in the mechanics of this or that operation, but a change in the conceptions for these operations.
[For the visual pics contact this 'OP']

Highlighted excerpts from
'Disaffection from the 'socializing' mystique'

Facebook is a lot like the culture of my high school: by promoting "social skills" that are degrading and dehumanizing to individual integrity for no better reason than a conformity of dialogues for which further manipulation and control would be possible!-IMNHRLO (In-my-NOT-humble-rhetorical-littering-opinion)…

Social pigeon-holing, BY THE TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS. Paralleling (or being the indirect standard) for the superficial, social caste system of the adolescent few from 'those others'. 'Those Others' have no standing. The most egregious of abuses inflicted on 'those others' are framed as individual malevolence rather than the extension of the systemic malevolence of the school culture. In effect, those others are either malcontents or accommodating, survival adaptives of their degradation and dehumanization.

This place often contains the mentality of a schoolyard, yet you find that more acceptable? ...In other words you can dish it out but you can't take it?

[For the full text contact this 'OP']

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