Friday, April 16, 2021

Being a voluntary serial nomad

 Being a voluntary serial nomad-Spiritual Quest

(Before the notice of the involuntary economic nomads of 'Nomadland')

American Nomads Short Film | Independent Lens | THIRTEEN - New York Public  Media

From August 1994 until November '99 I took advantage of the opportunity of having only myself to support to be a a nomad, 'the expression of my soul'. I did for aesthetic bias what the characters in the promotional previews for 'Nomadland' seem to be doing out of economic necessity. My tactics and strategies while being that nomad were similar to those in the movie: taking temporary, part-time gigs and off-shift jobs. My aesthetic bias, I think and believe was (and still is) a realization that the structure, as well as the availability, for work was a soul and dignity degrading experience. The adaptation and psychological accommodations, which I and others were obliged/extorted to do to 'make a living', undermined what I see as a celebration of this existence's life. 

Much as the verse in Genesis 3:17-19 when Adam-n-Eve were expelled from Eden:          "...19 In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return." that has been the rationale for the consensus of our work labors.

Like these latter-day 'Nomadland'-folks, in '94 there were gigs-jobs and temporary work for those with the capability or ready-skills to do them. For many, only a driver's license was required. Others, past education-informal, as well as formal-could get you a job.

In ways much like the migrating hunter-gatherers of the pre-neolithic times of settlements and the First Nation-Native Plains 'Americans', I and the cinema depicted nomads used the mobility we had to find better 'hunting and gathering' settings for ourselves as we 'lived off the land'-economy. I see that as an increasingly gestative cultural and societal option.

The economic forces of commoditization with their political enablers whose self-interests favor and are biased to those who can fund their political aspirations, will neglect to destitution those for whom the type of wealth needed to remain established in one place is more and more precarious to being out of reach with each passing year.

It would be ironic that this civilization, much as the classic civilizations, will be brought down by the migrating immigrants of economic necessity, plus the growing cohort of more aesthetic, communal anarchists who come to perceive the present economic order as inherently and inequitably corrupting. At the same time the precepts of the migration-ethos will be the default aesthetic for a more equitably and distributive civilization.


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Thursday, April 1, 2021

Mihi, Domine exaltetur manus mors est (Me, the Hand of Death)

Ego autem, Domine exaltetur manus mors et in anno quarta BUCINUM tyrannos crediderim, hoc referre ad alia mors in population res agit.

Does This Video Show a Cop Aiding and Abetting George Floyd's Murder? –

Nonne hoc sciant omnes pereunt necessitatem? Programmed sua fata es, Deus. Non sunt nisi in visu meo, et tardus escapees pepercit a morte contraxit. Nulla libero, auctor nullam licentiam indulgere singula. In tantum autem est rectitudo naturalis in corpore autem sunt de dictamine naturae suae invenire dilato expiabat sanctuarium ab abusus est libido animum eorum: quapropter etiam de sanctionibus tyrranical retributionum suae 'auctoritates.                                                                 (Translation: A) Butterfly Effect- This Action Will Have Consequences Shirt:  Clothing

  Etiam in rectitudinem tuam, caro mortalis, est subiectum ad papilionem: et karmic consecutiva effectus, aut aliorum Kyrie Eleison tua facta, et sola ad terrestres veniamus, extra naturae, ex conprehensibili et inconprehensibili, quod imponeret suas dynamics cognitve in agro. Sunt enim orae eligere disordines morum angustus est ultra indoctrinating fallacias confirmant et aliter dicere.(Translation: B)        

War, Famine, Pestilence and Death - The Four Horsemen - YouTube 

At gravis, non est hic commisserate tribulationibus tuis conpatiens publica fata et ego vobis significantes, quod ibi sunt omnia, incommutabilis tibi quod non in se haberi rem vestram propria mentis et obductionis et vindictæ. Hoc enim non est una privilegiata ad peccandum proclivior. Is est unus sensus et sunt gradus discreti in nuanced et prudens actus.  (Translation: C

The Grim Reaper - TV Tropes 

Si tamen credunt illa vita est tua ad id quod cupio et volo facere, ignorans quid occurrit, vel ponens surdus et caecus confidunt in efficacia illa sociali narrationes, libertatem, et libertas non sequitur 'enim vestra sunt, tunc vos discede ab messis frigus animarum pastores tamen cadaueribus.                (Translation: D)          


Ego sum qui autem vocatis inanis mortem. Ego enim est receptaculum et redivivus bin eorum qui munera umquam arbitraretur aut ab eorum ageret nesciens, et scientia. Ego valorem securior ad te, et dabo te statum saecularia vel aliis dare tibi. Ego messorem consequentia cernit, sive bonum, sive malum.     (Translation  E

Chauvin trial updates: Testimony ends abruptly as firefighter witness  scolded by court | Bemidji Pioneer  

Haec est veritas. Lacrimas quoque George terribilem et aliis possibilities pro te, quae tibi manet modo aliquid vel aliqualiter. George, quod anima est pars fructus est vitae caro de cautione pro ea. Hoc ducit ad mortuum finem proprie. Cum spe, sed cum dolore, culpa pudoris et doloris est quod meminimus Georgium    (Translation  F)

Bakari Sellers on Floyd funeral: 'This was a homecoming celebration' - CNN  Video

Tragoediam suam in figura ponens peremptorio termino ad supplicium est secundum ampliorem putat de myopia ad humanitatem fingere ex itsself celebrationem. Nam et ipse carnifex, Chauvin, George et in supplicium et enablement psyches quam ducti sunt ex hoc fas Fatum est nomen cuiuspiam historiam effluere, Paeoniae exercitu, pro ministerio quo nunc coactioni obnoxiae sunt in vinciturque.         (Translation  G)



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